Dook Dook!

Friday 25 December 2015

Raw Eggs / Salmonella

Most ferrets are not susceptible to salmonella and efficiently pass it without infection.

▶Eggs are human grade and human grade is more controlled and monitored closely compared to the pet food industry. 

▶Pet food has more of a chance of being contaminated with salmonella. (Even kibble fed ferrets are known to shed salmonella in their stools.) In fact I counted 20 on the FDA list for this year. The recent being by BRAVO chicken and Turkey pet food on the 10th of Dec.

▶In the chance that you were to feed a contaminated egg you need to be aware that the ferret stomach is a bacteria colonising deterrent and this basically means that the environment in the ferret stomach discourages any bacteria from taking over the host.

▶A ferrets digestive system is very short (only 3-4 hours) so that leaves no time for the salmonella which needs 12-72 hours, or even e.coli, which needs 3-4 days to incubate. That makes it highly unlikely that these illnesses would affect the ferret.

Its not impossible,  just very very very very very very unlikely.

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