Dook Dook!

Friday 20 May 2016



This is a timeline of Haru (♀) from the starting weeks of her raw (frankenprey) transition, all the way through to today, where she is on a combination diet of Raw (frankenprey) + Wholeprey (Mice/Rat/Quail) Diet. 
Since there is difference in coats, due to seasonal changes, I have listed which is which. Currently Haru has her winter coat growing in (Coat colours still changing!) so she is a little on the fluffy side.
Haru wouldn't be in such an incredible condition if it were not for the assistance of the Holistic Ferret Forum Mentoring Program (and Poncesmom, my mentor) That impulse application I submitted, really paid off. I did not think I was "ready" but I jumped into it anyway, not thinking I would get a mentor for a long while, but hey, it happened before I knew it and look at the incredible reward!

Transitioning for new ferret owners, or new to raw ferret owners, can be incredibly intimidating- trust me, I was freaking out and thought "what If I do something that could risk the health of my ferrets?" - Push those worries aside, and get a mentor! You're not alone, you have support, to ensure that you do NOT do what you worry about. Step by step, we'll even hold your hand (virtually of course) if you want! 

tongue emot
 The benefits, out weigh the anxieties, and worries. Raw bone in meats, organs,muscle meats and even whole animals, is the BEST DIET you can offer your ferret. It is WORTH pushing through, it is WORTH learning something that seems intimidating to you- Start small, work your way up and your ferret will LOVE YOU for it!!! 

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