Dook Dook!

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Stressful Week!

For the past week or so I've had no internet, which really sucks but it was all my net providers muck up- this made me furious. Actually Regardless of the internet, I've been so tense and stressed the past couple of weeks. Today in particular was horrible. The stress ended up causing my TMJ to start up and that was incredibly painful. I also had a headache, maybe caused from the TMJ. I felt completely sick the entire day and was bed ridden due to pain. What fun!  This blog post will probably be a whole lot of blabbering, so expect it to be alittle long. ;)

The other day I've had 3 - 4 people throw hate or negative comments my way. This I didn't particularly enjoy. I don't really appreciate people who indirectly claim or assume something because I breed whole prey for my ferrets. To some degree I can understand, and I try to understand from others perspective, but still its never enough because people always try to pin point issues to keep the nuisance dramas fired up. Now I've decided that I don't have time for people who continue to try and push their views and opinions my way in this topic, because for one, I know I'm not doing anything wrong by any of my animals, and two, I certainly don't need this stress.

Before the easter weekend or what ever, I finally got a call from my course provider--whom was suppose to get me work placement in some animal related area so I could gain experience. I was excited, because finally, 8 + weeks on and they finally contact me. But my excitement fell out the window and was run over by a truck when they mentioned they got me placement in an area which I had no had any interest in doing. The whole phone call was nasty nasty stressful and boy do I feel that I was not listened to, or taken seriously.  For the past couple of months, no since last year in fact, I've tried so hard and have studied so hard because I have a goal that I wish to acomplish, then at this time when I was on the phone to some sarcastic dodo, I felt like everything was just flushed down the drain. How quickly I felt discouraged and wished to just give up and not even try anymore. So yeah, for the remainder of the day I did sulk, and I did cry because I bloody well needed it, then I felt stronger and refreshed. 

Scrapping my random blog blabber now, today was not that bad-- if you forget the pain in the jaw (TMJ), headache, and random pain related nausea. I didn't exactly do anything interesting. I did read some of my new books which I got the other day. I also received my whole prey order and that made me pretty darn happy. My whole prey order was $130 worth of Quail, & Ducklings. Quail is new and I was pretty excited to try the three dumplings with the quail! Which I actually did this afternoon. First with the feathers on, someone ate the head and they didn't touch the rest of the bird. Sooo, I plucked the feathers, which by the way, is quite satisfying (Kind of like popping a pimple, or a blister- okay sick examples lol), but at the same time is disturbing and creepy as hell. After I did that, all three did start experimenting with the bird and I managed to get Yuuki and Beavis eating some, actually even Haru ate some so that was great! All three ferrets seem to be increasing slightly in appetite. They actually cut back for a short time but now are eating more. Seasonal changes are so interesting. Haru is losing her mask, which is sad because she is such a cutie with her mask on, though I cannot wait to see coat changes.  Everyone has been quite cheeky during play time. Beavis and Yuuki had found a way to open my closet, which Is a no ferret zone, so I had to figure out how to keep them out. My closet is a double sliding door one, and I placed a thick paint brush through the inside between doors. This made it hard for the ferrets to push the doors open so I win this round!! :D

The other day, I got some new books. 5 new books in fact.
I came across three books which I thought were kind of adorable, and had to buy them. Sherlock ferret books. Its meant for young kids, but ohhh weeellll.

The two other books are about the petfood industry. "Food Pets Die For" isn't a favourite, though I do like some of the information in the book. There is some things I don't particularly agree on (especially the recipes for cat food), maybe I will do a review once I actually finish it.

"Buyer Beware" is my favourite of the two. It contains valuable information and this one I do recommend people buy. The reason I mainly bought these was so that I could have study material. After purchasing "Raw Meaty Bones" by Dr Tom Lonsdale, I started to collect books in the nutrition area, this also included things in regards to pet food, so that I would have places to check for second references if I were to write something.

Anyway, I may wrap this blog post up for now since it is getting pretty long and I do feel like heading off to bed.

The good things that happened this week was that Cora had her litter, and now Koko has randomly had her litter which once again took me by surprise-- she has a habit of this!

Saturday 12 March 2016

A day away from my ferrets.

The other day I went into Melbourne for the first time in a very long time.
I had to go do some things and also met up with a friend which was nice. 

I started the day by waking up early in the morning, around 5AM, because where I live it takes about 1h and 55m to travel into the city.  I was also expecting it to take longer because apparently they had planned on doing work on the train line I intended to travel on. 

It wasn't raining when I left to head to the bus stop, so I was thankful at the time.
Incredible Scenic View From The Bus Stop. (LOL)
I did walk one way for about 3 minutes, up a hill-- then realised I had forgotten something important, so I rushed back, also grabbed my asthma inhaler because along the way I did start having some breathing issues. Once I had all I needed, I went the back way, which didn't take all too long now that the bus stop was moved closer to my house. I did have to walk through a dark area and that was quite frightening. But I survived! Once at the bus stop, It was quite dark since the sun doesn't rise until around... 6... or 7... around that time. At the time I began thinking about my dumplings. Being away for a whole day caused me to be a little anxious.  

Bus ride wasn't all too bad. I actually quite enjoy traveling early in the morning. I ended up asking about the trains once I got into the Station and to my luck, the one I needed to take was NOT a coach!! Yay! So I would be traveling by train. I was excited--  At least until I saw the train coming in. IT WAS PACKED. I ended up having to stand in an overpacked train for 1h 55m. It was torture, especially when I have a bad leg, which likes to tense up and cause me pain in my tendon after standing for prolonged periods. Time felt like it was going by so slowly, and when I have pain (which was not only in my leg but my jaw, I have TMJ) and no coffee, I get real grumpy. I can't help it either, Pain really makes me want to bite someones head off. When we finally made it into Melbourne, Southern Cross Station, I got off and went straight to get some hand sanitiser.   There was NO WAY in anything that I would go a day in the city without hand sanitiser. I also picked up some breakfast and met up with my friend. 

The first thing on my list of things to do that morning, was to walk to a bank. It was around 8 something something so by the time we got there we had hoped it would be open. Then we find out it opens at 9:30. That was a bummer. But rather than stick around, it was better to go to my second place, a post office. Once wasn't all that far from where we were so we walked there and had some passport photos done. On the way back, we waited about 5 minutes for the bank to open, and then I grabbed a statement and we began walking to our next destination. 

I don't particularly enjoy the shortcuts we walked through. Some back streets smelled horrid, so we had to hold our breath and walk quickly.  Once we arrived at our next  destination, victorian registry of births deaths and marriages, I grabbed a ticket and we sat down and prepared ourselves for the LONG wait. The reason as to why I was there is because I was putting in an application to have part of my name legally changed. :) This was something I was meaning to do for a very long time, like 5 years. I was very anxious. Excited and nervous all at once, and I had to sit here for so many hours. We got in at like 9:20am I think, and waited until 11:29am.Very long time, but it was worth it. My friend and I played a couple of games while we waited, because we got very bored, very quickly. First we played eye spy,  then some Hangman, through text, which worked out surprisingly well however that got boring too quick.

I left all happy and satisfied. Still nervous, but happy and HUNGRY.

For lunch, which thank goodness we got out before then, we decided to go to Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery. We have to walk again, through all these back streets, horrible just as much as the first time round. It began to rain, just a drizzle which we didn't mind all that bad.  This place was very new to me, and being Buddhist + Vegetarian and this place being Buddhist and had vegetarian/vegan food, I was very excited and keen. As soon as we found the location and walked up the stairs, I was instantly met with a very calming sensation. This tends to happen everytime I enter a buddhist place. I remember it happening when I used to visit a temple in Bendigo. It was fantastic.

I thought that it was beautiful. I loved the overall layout of the gallery and lunch area. The people were very friendly and very helpful. When my friend and I began looking over what we would like to try, we noticed how fairly cheap the prices were. We did expect alittle more, but this was nice. 

We weren't sure on what to get Tea wise, so we asked for a recommendation. Oolong and Sweet Osmanthus.

Tea was the first to come, and the little cups were so cute. We also loved the look of the tea and the tea pot. The tea was very hot, so we poured some and let it sit for alittle bit. Once it cooled slightly, we had a try and both agreed that it was a light flavoured tea. Very subtle flavour and not too over empowering. This was something we liked a lot in a tea. Quite a lot actually.

Just talking about this tea makes me want some more. We asked about the tea and may come back and buy some so we can have it fresh at our places. It was delightful.

The first meal to arrive was mine.  
I don't like to eat before everyone has their own meal, so I wait patiently for her meal to arrive before we start eating. I didn't get any photos of her meal, maybe next time I will remember to do that. As for my meal, I got a Vegetarian Curry Udon, which was incredible. I love curry, and I ADORE udon. I have had many types, and this was by far the most lovely udon meal I had ever had. At first taste, it was mildly spicy. Something I LOVED.

After we ate and finished up, my friend payed because it was easier than splitting the bill. I agreed that I would pay for what ever we decided to do next. :) We looked around before leaving. There was no way that we could eat and not look around. Especially at the gallery which was my most eager place to look. 

There was this one artwork which both my friend and I enjoyed. 

I wrote down the quote:
"Things can be difficult and more complicated than we ever expect. Yet, in most situations, it's our attitude that matters." - from a Buddhist artwork called, it's our attitude that matters.

I looked at, and read all artworks and enjoyed seeing all the ink and painting on rice paper. It was done with such skill and even the simple artworks had such a huge meaning behind them.

My friend noticed a ball, I thought it was pretty funny. I wonder how that got there!

There was also this little shrine, where you can go and offer a flower to the Buddha.
I thought it was beautiful, so I had to get a quick photo before I left. They also do Meditation classes here. I'm going to try and talk my friend to come along with me to one, one day.

On my way out, I said goodbye to the little Shishi Statue.
Shishi are Chinese Guardian Lions. They kind of look like a dog x lion and are ususally in pairs, this one seemed to be a single Shi. They are believed to have powerful mythic protective benefits, which can ward off evil spirits, thats why they are mostly seen at gates, entrances or doors. The circular object often shown beneath their feet is the Tama, (sacred Buddhist jewel), a symbol of Buddhist wisdom that brings light to darkness and holds the power to grant wishes. 

After we left we walked back to the station. Along the way it began to rain, again. Although I enjoy the rain, I don't particularly enjoy the rain in Melbourne.

 It began to rain more heavily so we had to stop every so often so that we wouldn't get too wet. There was one place where the rain made it appear like a mirror on the groun. It was so wet that you could see reflections. I thought it was pretty cool so I took a photo of it along our way.

When we got to the station we decided to go see a movie. So we got a train to Melbourne Central and waited for the next movie. We had about an hour, so we got a drink and I charged my phone. We watched "How to be single". Had a drink, a little tiny chocolate ice cream each, and shared a popcorn. This was my shout since my friend payed for lunch. :) It was a fun movie, and I liked a lot of the actresses in it so it was great.

I did find myself thinking of my ferrets here and there but other than that, I really enjoyed meeting up with my old friend and doing something fun for a change. 

After realising the time, I would have missed my train and last bus so I had to stay at my friends house for the night. I was alittle upset because I wanted to go back to my ferrets, I was alittle anxious about leaving them alone for one whole night, so I planned on leaving early in the morning. My dad actually came and picked me up, even though the place was an hour and a half away. That was good, at least that way I got home quicker than going through public transport.

Once I got home, I babied them so bad. They got a free roam day to make up for a no play day the day before. I also gave them some fresh whole prey, so I think they were quite happy about that. :)

I missed my little dumplings so much.

Monday 7 March 2016

Random Research: Astaxanthin / Salmon.

On the the 26th of Feb, I was doing research... as usual, at 5 in the morning, and I came across a video by Dr. Karen Becker, which was about eye health in companion animals. Anyway, I watched it and something interesting was mentioned. 


I had to pause the video because I didn't quite catch that word. I can honestly say, I have never ever heard this word before. You know what happens when I don't know a word? I probably can't spell it either but I figured it out lol-- I do research. (LE GASP)  So here I am, stalking the internet looking around to find out about what exactly this Astaxanthin was... at 5 in the morning on a friday... I guess I was also slightly sceptical... but anyway,  along my research I actually learnt quite a few (a lot) of new information, especially about Salmon!!  

Apparently this Astaxanthin is a new thing when it comes to supplementation in companion animals. I've seen a lot of mention about how it benefits humans, however whether astaxanthin supplementation can benefit dogs and cats (let alone ferrets) remains to be unclear. There does seem to be lack of studies and one article which actually does have some interesting information, also says "Domestic dogs and cats fed astaxanthin generally showed different biokinetic profiles when compared to humans and other species. Whether astaxanthin supplementation can modulate immune and anti-inflammatory/antioxidative function remains to be elucidated."

I guess they would make use of this Astaxanthin to some degree, if you feed fish, or give your ferret fish based oils like krill oil or salmon oil. 


Astaxanthin is a deep red, fat-soluble pigment that is found widely throughout nature. It is originally sourced from Microalgae, so in order for animals to make use of it, herbivores eat the algae, omnivore and carnivores eat the herbivores and so on. As astaxanthin makes its way up the food chain, the color becomes still more concentrated, creating the beautiful reds and pinks we see in fish such as salmon and in marine birds like flamingos. Hmm... I wonder if our ferrets will turn pink from eating salmon lol Just kidding. (rofl) 
As one of the world's most powerful carotenoids, astaxanthin is considered a super-antioxidant; it is supposedly ten to twenty times more powerful than many other carotenoids, including beta-carotene, lutein (Lutein is found in egg yolks and animal fats), and zeaxanthin, and a hundred-times more powerful than alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E). 

Proteins that are high in astaxanthin include sockeye salmon, red trout, red seabream, lobster, shrimp, crawfish, crabs, and salmon roe. 

In the animal kingdom, Astaxanthin is found in its highest concentration in Wild Pacific sockeye salmon. 
Astaxanthin is also found in trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, crustaceans, and the feathers of some birds (Flamingo~~~). It is responsible for the bright red colour of krill oil, cooked shellfish and the deep dark pink flesh of wild caught salmon. 

Wild-caught Pacific sockeye salmon, for example, has apparently 400% higher levels of astaxanthin than their farm-raised counterparts. The reason for this is that marine life in the wild ingests the truest form of the pigment, microalgae, whereas farm-raised fish get their astaxanthin resources through commercially made food additives containing synthetic astaxanthin which is made from petrochemicals.  Synthetic astaxanthin is completely different chemically than natural astaxanthin, and has been shown to be 20X - 50X weaker in antioxidant strength in humans.   (twitch) 

From what I've read, Astaxanthin fights oxidative stress and free radial damage. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood-retina barrier. This means it can help reduce the potential for diseases of the central nervous system, the spinal cord, and the eye. Carotenoids have powerful antioxidant properties, and research apparently indicates they are also anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory agents. Interesting stuff, but remember what I mention at the start of this post, studies are lacking, especially for dogs, cats & ferrets.

Interesting Find! While fish oil has become famous for its omega-3 fatty acid content, fish don't actually produce omega-3s, instead accumulating their omega-3 reserves by consuming microalgae- or consuming other fish who consume the algae etc.  

I thought this was interesting since I've never known that before. I guess I probably wouldn't have found this out if I didn't become randomly interested in astaxanthin rofl!! What a name... astaxanthin...

Another Interesting Find! You can tell whether a Salmon is wild or farm raised by its flesh! The flesh of wild salmon is bright red/dark pink, courtesy of its natural astaxanthin content.

Astaxanthin (Synthetic) is used as a feed supplement for farmed salmon, crabs, shrimp, chickens and egg production. The primary use of synthetic astaxanthin today is as an animal feed additive to impart coloration, including farm-raised salmon and egg yolks. Synthetic carotenoid pigments colored yellow, red or orange represent about 15–25% of the cost of production of commercial salmon feed. 

Lobsters, shrimp, and some crabs turn red when cooked because the astaxanthin, which was bound to the protein in the shell, becomes free as the protein denatures and unwinds. The freed pigment is thus available to absorb light and produce the red color
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved astaxanthin as a food coloring (or color additive) for specific uses in animal and fish foods. The European Commission considers it food dye and it is given the E number E161j. Natural astaxanthin is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA,but as a food coloring in the United States it is restricted to use in animal food.

Okay... So, I felt I kind of understood what Astaxanthin was/is, But I was still yet to fully understand how the body uses it.  Then I found an interesting article, which states: "Carotenoids are absorbed in the intestinal mucosa and then transported in the blood in association with plasma lipoproteins. Carotenoids associated with chylomicra are transported via the lymph and blood to the liver where they are partly re-secreted with lipoproteins."

I don't know what happened next, but I googled something and found yet another article. "Effect of Carotenoid Supplement on Production Performance in Mink (Neovison vison)" Okay, So it's about mink and even worse, its purposely about improving mink breeding for fur trade, but mink and ferrets are related... I also did learn little something from reading it.
Quoting from the article: "Mammals cannot form their own carotenoids and are dependent on the carotenoids received from food. Mammals typically have a good ability to metabolize ingested carotenoids, and even reform species-specific carotenoids. Carotenoids are known to have both antioxidative and immunological effects. Hence, they are expected to have positive influence on health and wellbeing in general. Carotenoids have been found to have an effect on fertility of animals in several species. This is due to the fact that all animals deposit carotenoids in their egg cells. Carotenoid supplement seems to increase the frequency of successful insemination. It often also leads to larger offspring. A trend has been found that pigs with carotenoid supplement in feed have more piglets born alive. In addition, mortality per litter among the piglets has been documented to be lower. In mink, the number of corpora lutea, implantation sites and fetuses tended to be slightly higher in animals given carotenoid antioxidant and astaxanthin during breeding season."

Last random notes,
This is what I do in the early friday mornings... basically research these random things. I don't even know why sometimes lol! 

It's way better to buy wild caught salmon so you can avoid the nasties that come with farmed fish!

That's basically all. I thought it was an interesting subject so I'm going to share it with everyone anyway. ;u;

Further reading and reference:

Read more:

Sunday 6 March 2016

6/March The Tantrum

My ferrets all get 7+ hours out most days. 
Sometimes I am quite busy, but even then I find the time to let them out for a good play.
Even when I'm incredibly busy, but am home, I let them out so they can at least go to what ever they like, maybe play with eachother or get into mischief. Anything really as long as they get their freedom to let their energy out and have fun. I feel bad for having to cage them up, but for my reasons I find it necessary. I feel more at ease knowing that they aren't getting into anything while I am out of the house. I become so over paranoid and over think things, its a bad habit of mine, but at least I can leave the house knowing my babies are asleep and considerably safe. I know, it sounds so selfish, but I only think of my ferrets well being. Goodness, I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't feel my ferrets were safe from harms way. They mean absolutely the world to me.

Today, I wasn't feeling too well, I haven't been feeling all too well for a couple of days. I'm possibly becoming anemic again, which wouldn't surprise me. I'm due for a check up and a blood test anyway.  Anyhoo, I had to put the ferrets to bed alittle earlier than usual because I wasn't feeling up to playing with them and Beavis wasn't all thrilled about it. He struggled against me, like he was saying "Noo, I don't wanna sleep yet!" I found myself apologising to him repetitively and felt quite bad about putting him away when they all deserved a long play day. Once in the cage, he threw a huge tantrum. Scratching at the cage floor, knocking over food plates, attempting to turn the litter pan upside down even though it was attached to the cage... He then got under the litter pan and scratched, scratched, and scratched. Here I am, standing there feeling dizzy and sick, but also feeling horrible and having the urge to let him back out-- this was the one thing I know not to do. So what i did, regardless of how I personally felt, was turn around, walk out of the room and gently closed the door behind me.

He continued his tantrum for 10 minutes. I could hear him from the other room and found myself thinking how selfish and horrible I was for doing this. Of course, I will make it up to him tomorrow. In fact, I'm going to spoil him tomorrow with some fresh rodents.

Giving into tantrums, I have noticed since adopting ferrets into my life, is the most HARDEST thing I've ever had to restrain myself from doing. If I didn't hold myself back, I would have let them have their way, and we all know how bad that would turn out in the end. For their sake, it is always best to not give in. Even though this reason was all my fault, I couldn't exactly help the fact that I wasn't feeling up to it today, but at least I can make it up to them tomorrow. These things happen and as much as I think I should be beating myself up about it, I really shouldn't. 

The best thing to do when faced with a tantrum, is to ignore it.
I know. It's absolute torture for us humans. But once they calm down and relax, then you reward the good behaviour. You don't ever want them to associate a tantrum with getting their own way. You want them to associate the reward with good behaviour. Ferrets are smart and manipulative when they want to be. 

Tomorrow is a new day, I hope I feel alot better and I promise to give my dumplings all the play they need. Along with some yummy fresh food and a cuddle session like they deserve.
As for me, I'm going to keep trying to be healthy and hopefully feel better. :)


Sudocrem (Pronounced Soo-DOH-Creem), is a very known over-the-counter medicated cream which is primarily used for the treatment of nappy rash.  This product is a water-repellent based cream which consists of oils & waxes;  protective and emollient agents; antibacterial and anti-fungal agents; and a weak anaesthetic. It's been known to be useful for treatment against things such as eczema, bedsores, acne, minor burns, surface wounds, sunburn, chilblains, among other things.

A majority of ferret owners have been using Sudocrem for various things, from skin issues like rashes, scabs or minor injuries like cuts. It has also been a common "preventative" to help stop ferrets biting another ferret. Apparently most ferrets don't particularly enjoy the taste, therefore ferret owners took the advantage and used it in attempt to stop a ferret from attacking or biting into another ferret.

Up until recently, people have started paying more close attention to ingredients in things such as this that they use on their ferrets. Sudocrem in particular was rumoured to contain

This caused alot of concerns especially since ferret owners have never seen any added fragrances, according to the older labels of Sudocrem. This caused us to believe that there was a possible formula change. I personally wanted to have a confirmation on this entire subject, so I took the opportunity to send an email to Actavis.

Actavis, Manufacturer of Sudocrem, has confirmed VIA email with me that Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream does contain lavender fragrance and that they do not manufacture a fragrance free formulation of this product. They also confirmed that the Lavender has been part of the Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream since its inception. This cream has been on the market for 80 years with its current formula.

Now that this was confirmed, we should assume that even those tubs of Sudocrem which do not list the ingredient, does in fact contain fragrance and that it would best be avoided. It was never mentioned why they failed to list the ingredient in some of their older tubs of this cream, but it does look like possibly a new labelling requirement has now required them to list the fragrance on their product. It does make a lot of sense.

So why should this be avoided? It's simple, using a product that contains added fragrance is plain risky. It's on the same level as Essential Oil's. That being said, you could use it... Just like EO's in Shampoo, small amounts may seem harmless, But the risks are there when you use it all the time, or in a repetitive manner.  Regardless of amounts, toxins are toxins, and in this case added EO, or, added Fragrances are all considered TOXIC to our ferrets. You always have the risks of a ferret reacting to a toxin. Whether it be now, in a few weeks, in a few months, in a year or even not at all.

In the cases where you have an emergency and have no other alternative until you see a vet, then a once off case should be fine, but if it really is an emergency, then it would be far better to seek vet treatment, not attempt treatment at home. It is the repetitive use of the product which is more likely to cause problems in the long run.

If you have a case where you have an open wound, I think personally that it would be better to use antiseptic solution (Iodine based wound cleanser) or plain water (possibly with 1tsp of salt) and gauze. I have a Betadine Solution and Betadine Antiseptic Ointment for minor situations in the medical kit for open wounds.  I've always been warned not to use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on the wounds since those may damage the tissue. 

Minor situations where you have simply a cut, or an abrasion, you can try cleaning the wound with water, then apply  an antiseptic solution or plain salt water with a gauze or a clean cloth. The salt or antiseptic solution will kill bacteria and help prevent infection. If there is bleeding, It's best to cover area with a sterile gauze or clean cloth and apply pressure directly onto the wound to stop the bleeding, then tape it to keep the wound from reopening and get to a vet.  Puncture wounds or long, deep wounds, shouldn't be meddled with and be seen by a vet asap.

This is the information which I have gathered on Sudocrem mainly through Email with the manufacture, personal opinions, and second opinions from other ferret owners. It is now your decision to make the final call if you are to use this product. 

Remember to always be cautious and when in doubt, call your vet.


Tuesday 1 March 2016

POLL: Currently How Much Does Your ADULT Ferret(s) Eat On Average Per Meal?

Hi! Thank you for having an interest in taking my Poll.
I am interested in seeing how much CURRENTLY that raw fed ferrets eat at the moment. 

If your ferret is a MALE, then please only answer those that say [M].
If your ferret is a FEMALE, then please only answer those that say [F].
Thank you very much.

Currently How Much Does Your ADULT Ferret(s) Eat On Average Per Meal?

[M] 1 to 2 oz or under
[F] 1 to 2 oz or under
[M] 2 to 3 oz
[F] 2 to 3 oz
[M] 3 to 4 oz
[F] 3 to 4 oz
[M] 4 to 5 oz
[F] 4 to 5 oz
[M] 5 to 6 oz or over.
[F] 5 to 6 oz or over.
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